Thank you for all the likes and an extra special thank you to the photographers for creating and sharing these awesome images!
Please follow us on Instagram and be sure to tag @expoimaging along with #RogueFlash, #RogueFlashBender, #RogueGrid, #RogueGels, #RogueXLPro, #SuperSoftSilver, and / or #ExpoDisc to share your photos with us. Who knows, you might end up in the top 9 next year!
Image 1: Robert Harrington
Find him on Instagram - @rharringtonstudios
Using Rogue FlashBenders rolled into snoots and Rogue Grids, photographers can create spots of light to create striking and elegant shots reminiscent of Old Hollywood.
Image 2: Fabian Grell
Find him on Instagram - @clipskills
Striking portrait created with the compact Nissin i60A Flash + Air 10s.
Fabian is proudly sponsored by: Lumix Germany, Nissin Digital
Image 3: Angelo Richardson
Find him on Instagram - @michael_angelo_77
Angelo uses Rogue Flash Gels to create vibrant background colors and the results are bright, fun, colorful portraits of insects. Angelo says, "The Rogue Flash Gels provide the magic! You can literally mix colors with them." His use of background color compliments his subject and makes the image pop!
Image 4: Fabian Grell
Find him on Instagram - @clipskills
How did Fabian create this shot? Using a little creativity and a plastic cake plate that he found in the thrift store! To create hard shadows you need hard light. Fabian used his compact Nissin i60A flash + Air 10s Commander - small, compact light sources create harder shadows. Pro tip - "Don't forget to brighten up the side away from the light, so that the shadows don't get too dark."
Image 5: Angelo Richardson
Find him on Instagram - @michael_angelo_77
Rogue Flash Gels were used to create the vibrant background color. Angelo shoots bright, fun, colorful portraits of insects. See more of his work HERE.
Image 6: Tim Engle
Find him on Instagram - @englephoto_inc
Time use the Rogue Super Soft Silver Reflector to create this image.
The Rogue Super Soft Silver Reflector really is SUPER Soft. Our Super Soft Silver™ reflectors are easier to use than shiny silver reflectors because they produce a softer, more pleasing, and less directional light, especially when used with bright light sources. This helps to eliminate hot spots commonly produced by the mirror-like surfaces of shiny silver reflectors.
Image 7: Angelo Richardson
Find him on Instagram - @michael_angelo_77
Rogue Flash Gels were used to create the vibrant background color. Angelo shoots bright, fun, colorful portraits of insects. See more of his work HERE.
Image 8: Jenna Adele Barrett
Find her on Instagram - @antheminart
Love this colorful image 💖💛💜 Shot using 2 Nissin Di700A flashes and the Nissin MG80 Pro Flash with Rogue Flash Gels.
Image 9: Jenna Adele Barrett
Find her on Instagram - @antheminart
Jenna once again demonstrates fantastic use of color using Rogue Flash Gels attached to Nissin Di700A Flashes. 💜💕💜