Control Your Light with Rogue FlashBenders

Control Your Light with Rogue FlashBenders

These images were shot during one of the demos I taught for ExpoImaging during Photoshop World several years ago.

At trade shows you don’t have a lot space, probably 2x2 meters if you’re lucky. The thing I absolutely love about the Rogue FlashBenders is that you can create stunning effects by literally steering the light, meaning you have 100% control over what your light is doing. In this case our model is standing against the backdrop, but by bending the FlashBender the right way I was able to make the backdrop turn very dark.

The cool thing is that this actually isn’t a model at all, it’s one of the employees of Rogue. And the best thing…. (and this shows the power of these modifiers) is that he didn’t want to be in front of my camera (like most non-models 😃), but after seeing the results he just loved it and even brought some cool sunglasses the next day.

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