Frank Doorhof explains how he freezes motion to capture hair flips and other action shots.
"When freezing motion always remember that it's not the shutter speed that freezes the model, but the flash duration. Make sure there is no available light in the studio. You can check this by shooting an image without the strobe. If it's almost black you're fine.
The choice of strobes is vital. You need the fastest flash duration at half to full power. Strobes with insane flash durations that are located in the lower power settings are less effective.
Aim for at least a t.05 value of 1/2500 and preferably 1/3500 and up.
Aim for f11 or f16 to make sure you have enough depth of field. Now just time it and coach the model."
Digital Classroom LIVE is a live, interactive, free, online photography workshop.
During the workshop Frank will walk you through the preparation of a shoot and he will show you LIVE how to set up the light, meter the light, coach the model and make the shot. You can see the results immediately. But that is not all, Frank will also show you his workflow after the shoot, demonstrating how he selects and retouches some of the images he just took.
And the best thing is you can talk with Frank and the crew LIVE in the chat on YouTube or Facebook.
New workshops are available each month.