Rogue Flash Grids and Snoots
Honeycomb grids and snoots are used to focus light on a subject or background.
Rogue Honeycomb Grids
Honeycomb Grids produce a spot of light with gradual fall-off.
The Rogue Magnetic Flash Grid 45 snaps on to your on-camera or off-camera flash to create a circle of light with a 45-degree "grid spot". You can also stack multiple grids to create even smaller light circles.
Rogue Flash Snoot
Snoots produce a more focused spot of light on your subject than a grid.
Snap the Rogue Flash Snoot to your flash to focus the light for dramatic effect. The silicone snoot is collapsible and can be set to 4 different positions from collapsed to fully extended with each setting producing a different size spot of light.
Image created by photographer Marcos Valdes using a Rogue Flash Snoot.